BROMEDIR was recently communicated at two of the worlds’ largest expos happening in Europe. The “hy-fcell International Expo and Conference 2024″ in Stuttgart (hydrogen and fuel cell technology) once again successfully attracted more than 3,000 attendees from 35 countries and 189 exhibitors, with this year also introducing two new focused areas; the University Area arranged in collaboration with the German Hydrogen Association (DWV) where our BROMEDIR partner Technische Universität Wien was one of the leading Universities that participated with Prof. DI Dr. Michael Harasek group, communicating the work being performed within the project and another area focused on Start-ups with innovative solutions pitched at potential investors and industry leaders in the field.
The project developments were also communicated at last month’s renowned Hydrogen Technology Expo Europe 2024 with more than 15K attendees, 6 conference tracks, >300 speakers, >950 exhibitors, all of which covering the entire hydrogen value chain and focusing on developing solutions and innovations with the full range of esteemed names from Academia and from all sizes up to the biggest players in Industry demonstrating the very latest technology. In this year’s event, BROMEDIR was actively brought forward, discussed with key stakeholders and leaflets disseminated by our TUW colleagues featuring the hydrogen related technologies developed as part of the project.