June 25, 2024 Uncategorized 0

Excited while moving towards a significant project milestone; BROMEDIR will soon reach halfway and it has been already an amazing first half built upon a collaborative environment where colleagues exchange ideas, work side by side on innovative technologies, learn from each other and jointly progress developments. The cutting-edge research performed to advance knowledge and further develop the novel BROMEDIR technologies, in parallel brings together esteemed Professors and leading Researchers from Academia along with key Innovators and expert Scientists from Industry. It would take too long to describe the so far invaluable input by each partner organization and Words are certainly not enough to express the appreciation towards every single colleague involved in BROMEDIR. To all You BROMEDIR friends, either already following the project or newcomers, you are all humbly invited to join us in this moment of celebration with a newly released project video for a more interactive Consortium introduction and communication of technologies involved: